
I’m not huge into new years resolutions, but at the moment I do have some things I’m trying to do to change myself for the better, and it does happen to be January. First and foremost is my attempt to get into some semblance of shape. I got an all classes pass to the IM center group classes which lets me into as many group classes as I feel like all semester. So far I’ve done yoga and pilates, both of which were more intense that I expected; who thinks they’re going to be sore after doing yoga?  It all feels like a very feminine approach to fitness. I’d never claim to have been a very athletic individual, but when I play Ultimate thats the feeling I’d come away with a sense of athleticism. With the group classes I don’t get that same feeling, but they fit much better with my schedule and lifestyle at the moment, not to say anything to the fact that there is no way that I am in shape enough to keep up with frisbee team. I do like the classes a lot better than running or working out otherwise on my own. There’s something to the sense of group unity that motivates you to preform at your best and continue to come back.

I’m also attempting to be more aware of the time I am spending. I feel like I spend so much time doing things because it is the path of least resistance rather than an activity that I will get something out of. Surfing the internet is an easy default for me, but it isn’t really fun. In order to combat this, I’m trying to make myself busier and give myself alternative hobbies. I haven’t knit in forever, but I just started a new project and I’m pretty excited about it. This gives me something to do while I watch TV shows or movies so even when I’m having fun and relaxing, I can have the self-satisfaction of having something to show for it.

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Where Will This Take Me?

It’s been awhile. But I’m feeling a bit of a writing itch, strange as it seems. So we’ll go with this, free-form style, no holds barred, no thoughts, no plans. Just me, the blinking cursor, and this white expanse ahead of me. And my penguin pajamas. Can’t forget those.

As a physics major, I don’t really need to write much anymore. But while I’m not sad to see arbitrary page length requirements go the way of the idea of an ether*, I can’t say that the skills I’ve gained over the years are useless. I can write in a fairly eloquent fashion, albeit overly technically with a few too many commas. I can even use semi-colons with pride and confidence; this is another independent clause, proving my point. My concern is that without the occasional exercise (2 words that I cannot spell for the life of  me), these skills will not remain sharp, and, more importantly, I may begin to lose this style of thinking.

I’m similarly concerned about my speaking skills. “But Hilary!” you protest, “You speak every day, often at great length, when most people really want you to be quiet!”. The issue is that I don’t speak at my full level of eloquence. I hesitate to say that I dumb myself down, as it is more a lack of formality than an intent to appear less intelligent, but it equates to much the same thing. When I speak with my friends I lack direction. I make up words with incredible frequency, even though there is generally a word that already exists that better expresses what I am trying to convey. I used to ironically use internet slang in real life, but now I just use internet slang in real life. I am almost always in “silly” mode. Almost childish. I worry on occasion that people underestimate me.  But then what does it matter? These are my peers. I’m supposed to be able to let loose. Except that then there are those times. Those times when you use the word “bamftastic” in front of a professor.** That’s when you start to realize that you may have a problem.

So let’s do this thang. k?

*Yes, I did really need to make a physics joke there.
**True HilaryStory (TM)

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An Informative Haiku

My keyboard no longer has a down arrow key. It’s rather unfortunate. The actual place where the key should be is still there, as is the little nubby button that I can press, but really it is not the same. You also never realize just how much you use the down arrow until you no longer have it. Every time I visit a website I use the down arrow to scroll down. Moving my mouse all the way over to the scroll bar and dragging it toward the bottom? Psh. Far too much work. The down arrow is just so convenient.

I’m considering super gluing a cover back on to the little nubby thing so I can use it again; however, I have no idea what the implications of supergluing something to the inside of a keyboard would be. I have a laptop so it’s not like I could just go out and get a new keyboard if it messes it up.

Little down arrow

A black void where you once lay

A triangle – gone

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Last night in front of a theater full of strangers I pretended I was Billy Mays having an orgasm

So I got a new bike today. It’s a nice bike, had most of the features I wanted and was affordable, but here’s the thing. I just don’t love it. It’s just ok. The color is nothing special and it doesn’t look nearly as old school as I was hoping for- I wanted a total hipster bike. But if I complain about it I’ll sound spoiled. I just got a new bike! Everything should be awesome! But really, it’s just ok. I guess all I’m hoping for at this point is to accidently come accross the perfect bike really soon so that we can return the alright one. Here’s to hoping.

You really wanted to know what that title was about didn’t you? Well too bad. That’s a story for another day. =)

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I Ended This Entry With A Nike Slogan

My goal in life is to lose Never Have I Ever.

If I could go through my life having done everything I could possibly think of, I think I would end up in a very happy place.

If I have to decide between two things to do, I ask myself: “Which could make a better story?”. And then I do that one.

And in case you were wondering, the answer to that question is never just sitting around watching movies or tv, or surfing the web all day, or doing anything that is routine. Routine is boring.

Ever have I skinny dipped with people I don’t know. Ever have I danced in a field of sunflowers at night. Ever have I made friends with the people who work at lazer tag over some coloring books and silly hats. Ever have I chased down strangers with nerf guns. Ever have I broken into spontaneous dance parties at pretty much every place imaginable.

I want to be the person who ends up living their life to the fullest. The one that is full of surprises. The one who has seen the world and seen what lies outside their own back door.

And I’m going to be.

Because sometimes you have to

Just Do It.

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Band Meme

Go to “Wikipedia.” Hit “random” and the first article you get is the name of your band.

Then go to “Random Quotations” and the last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

Then, go to Flickr and click on “Explore the Last Seven Days” and the third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

Probably an emo new-age band?

Probably an emo new-age band?

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A Dinosaur!

This is what I did on my snow day.

Isn't he cute?

Isn't he cute?

I drew him and colored him all by myself! His name is Jeffrey. Too bad that once drawing good dinosaurs stops being the coolest thing evarrrr (fifth grade or so?) I discover my unprecedented dino-drawing talent. Oh well. I think he’s cool.

See how bored my 6 day weekend is making me?

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I swear I’m not being all Boston Elitist

But this snow day craziness really has to stop. This is our 4th day off, and now we have 2 weekend days. What am I supposed to do with all this time? The roads are perfectly fine so at least I’m able to see people and do things, but really Cincinnati? Are you that weak? I feel like I’m retired- all I have to think about when I get up every day is what I feel like doing besides eating and sleeping. For 6 days now! It’s like spring break, except minus the our teacher’s preparedness, so minus any projects and long term assignments they would have given us. And I have to break it to you Ms. Superintendent (I believe you make these calls?), those AP exams don’t go any farther away because we took so much time off. Making up the time at the end of the year really doesn’t help us much. So thank you for officially giving the choice between Saturday school and failing every last one of my 5 AP exams this year.

Just kidding, I am taking 5 but I don’t think that what we do in class matters to two and a half of them. English and gov? Eh who cares. BC Calc matters a bit but we just teach ourselves anyway. But physics and chemistry? We need our teachers! We need to go back to school!

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Having restored/reformatted/essentially deleted my computer so many times, my music library has suffered. I have lost so much music over the years that it’s really quite sad, and thanks to apple being annoying, having your music library synch to the computer is really the only easy way to handle the iPod/Computer connection. Thankfully I have always been the type of person to create lots of mix CDs; however, this situation is not ideal because:

  1. It’s tedious. There are only so many CDs I can rip in one sitting  before I go crazy
  2. I have to label them all myself. iTunes cannot recognize any CD that is not on the official Gracenote thing.
  3. This point kind of goes with the last, but in the annoyance that comes with having to label your songs again comes the difficulty of labeling foreign language songs. I have a ton of French music that I don’t remember the title or artist and I can’t go my usual route of googling the lyrics because I can usually only pick out a couple words in a given phrase and half the time I don’t even conjugate those few correctly. And it really bugs me to have unlabeled songs.

I was going to make this longer, but I think installing some iPod softwear update killed my touch… Fantastic. I’ll deal with this tomorrow.

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25 Things

Ever notice that whenever one of these  “Write X Many Random Things About Yourself” things comes around X gets bigger? The last one was definitely 16, now we’re at 25… Soon we’ll all have lists of thousands of things about ourselves that no one else cares about or will ever read in entirety. That being said, here are 25 things you might not know about me!

  1.  I’ve always wanted to be one of those people that can go to events and trips and somehow take millions of pictures. I do bring my camera but usually I end up with about seven pictures and four of them don’t suck. I then convince myself that it’s because I’d rather have fun than take pictures proving how much fun I’m having, but I still wish I had more.
  2. Pajamas are my favorite. As long as I’m not going out anywhere later, I’ll change into my pajamas almost immediately after getting home from school.
  3. I love jigsaw puzzles. Every winter my dining room table gets covered in my many thousand piece monstrosities. The last one I did was a really nice giant one of Times Square at night that my brother gave me for Christmas.
  4. I really dislike talking on the phone and will do almost anything to avoid it. I’ve gotten slightly better over the years but am still ever so greatful for the internet so I don’t have to.
  5. After having nearly the entire Phantom of the Opera soundtrack memorized since I was little, I finally saw the movie the other night. It felt so cool to finally understand the context of the songs!
  6. The b key on my laptop is kind of broken- I have to press extra hard to make sure it registers. I should probably clean out the keyboard..
  7. Despite being Canadian and living is Massachusetts for most of my life, I get cold ridiculously easy. It’s a combination of horrible circulation and possible anemia that makes my fingers and toes start to lose feeling and color even when the weather isn’t that cold. It kind of makes them look zombie like because it’s the precursor to frostbite, and I don’t like it so I complain about being cold.
  8. When I was little, my parents thought I was going to grow up to be an actress or a singer or at least some sort of preformer. It sounds ridiculous now, but in their defense at the time it made a little sense at the time. I was really into the theater scene most of my life, but just stopped when we moved. Now I’m getting back into it again..
  9. I hold the record for most teeth ever pulled at once- 14! Some of them were baby teeth, but even still I was eating soup for months.
  10. Whenever people mention my weight I always feel really awkward, even if they’re giving my a compliment. It’s not like I try to be skinny, and I especially dislike it when people insinuate I am anorexic.
  11. If I were to ever become a member of ” [insert addiction] Anonymous”, it would probably end up being the internet. 
  12. Coinciding with the previous point, I used to use internet acronyms and slang in real life to be ironic or as a joke, but they’ve started to become a scary habit. I am such a geek.
  13. Coinciding with the coincinding point, I really dislike it when people use the term “ironic” or “irony” incorrectly. I once caught Mrs. Allen at it, and totally would have pointed it out in class if I weren’t so shy then. On the other hand, if it had been Mrs. Smith… For a good reference check out
  14. [I keep on thinking of points that go along with my previous point] Speaking of being shy, in my lifetime I have transformed from the loudest most attention wanting little kid, to an ultra-shy person who could barely function in polite society, to now what I think is a good balance.  (hopefully?) I really hope that other people can see the change over the past couple years, because personally I think I’ve gotten quite a bit better. I talk now! To people!
  15. I am really bad at sports. My hand/eye/foot coordination is awful, I am perpetually out of shape, am really weak, and a lot of the time I understand how I’m supposed to play the game I just fail at doing so. That being said, I do try hard to do well and get in better shape, and I’m trying new sports to try and find one that I’m at least okay at and enjoy so that I have something to keep my active when I get old.
  16. I don’t get sick often, but when I do I tend to get *really* sick- kidney infection, pnemonia, etc. Once when I got pneumonia I lost like 10 pounds. I was in the musical Annie at that time and totally looked the part of a starving orphan.
  17. I don’t ever remember having a good math teacher, but somehow I still love the suject.
  18. My sense of direction is miserable. I can’t drive anywhere new without having detailed instructions and preferably walking through it several times on Google Maps, especially with street view- that thing is awesome! Even better is when I have someone in the car giving me the instructions; I feel so much more at ease.
  19. I don’t consider myself an especially nature loving person, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it. One of my favorite sounds is rain on window panes. 
  20. People don’t always understand my sense of humor, but I love to make people laugh. I tend to be better at the witty or sarcastic side comments though, my story telling ability is typically abysmal.
  21. I really want to have a birthday party. Or actually just a party in general. But I’d want someone to help me throw it, or throw it as a surprise, because I’m not sure I know enough people that would show up. I’m not sure completely why I want to, it just seems like a fun high school thing to do, and I haven’t had one since ever.
  22. All of my points seem really long compared to other people’s… does that mean I’m conceited? Or just that I think hearing a background story makes each point more interesting.
  23. It isn’t evesdropping if you don’t have to try hard to hear the conversation
  24. I was considering having this point state how much I dislike a certain nickname of mine, but then I decided to include it, people would laugh and start calling my it just to see me get irritated. So ha!
  25. I consider the duty to make the world a better place for those around you and for yourself much more important than religion will ever be to me. My moral values come from myself, my thoughts, my reasoning. I’m a personal philosophy type of person rather than an institutionalized philosophy one. 

Wow. This is really long. I applaud you if you actually read it all, but if not I don’t particularily care, I just want to know more about you!

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